How to fix provider is not registered on the local machine – Microsoft Q&A.Visual Studio Feedback

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I recently got a new laptop and had to go through the ritual of reinstalling all my programs and drivers. I needed both the bit and the bit adapters to cover my various use cases. Widows you have ever attempted this, you know there is a secret. You cannot install the Access database engine with a different processing architecture bittedness from your Microskft install or install both versions of the Access database engine without a workaround.

If you try, ae will get an error message. I wrote up a document for this a while back for a client, but I can never remember where I put it. View all posts by Meagan Longoria. Meagan, the repeated installation attempts did not lead адрес страницы the creation of Microsoft. I left a reply here yesterday close to 2 pm CT, it has not been published. Will you have any idea how this can be resolved? What solution fixed your problem? We had a recent install of office From then I am getting this ACE.

Hola, tengo el mismo problema, en un pc microsoft ace oledb 12.0 for windows 10 64 bit tiene office me arroja el error ACE. Installing it from the command line worked like a charm!

This works! This magic worked, I was able to import. Thank you so much! I have been looking for a solution to this problem for over a day now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your second option above works. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me microoft new ibt via email.

Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content July 20, September 24, Meagan Longoria. Еще mikado ultraviolet light feeder 390/90g free download очень are two options for getting нажмите сюда other version installed. Type the file path gor file name for your Access Database Engine install file. Delete or rename the mso. Share this: Twitter Facebook Microsoft ace oledb 12.0 for windows 10 64 bit.

Like this: Like Loading Published by Meagan Longoria. Hi, Art. Worked like a magic olevb SSIS. Pingback: motor de base de datos de acceso de microsoft 12 – Portal Login – Your login web pages. Older Comments. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Windowz your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.

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Microsoft ace oledb 12.0 for windows 10 64 bit –


Home Categories. Download Microsoft. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained microslft to download the Microsoft. In order to download the Microsoft. In this article I will explain how to download the Microsoft. Download the Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable using the following download link.

You need to click the Download button shown in the below screenshot. Once you click Download it will prompt you to select the architecture i. Once downloaded, just right click the Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable file and click install and restart the machine after installation is completed. Related Articles. Add Comments. Детальнее на этой странице you for the feedback.

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Microsoft ace oledb 12.0 for windows 10 64 bit


After trying to follow several solutions online none seem to be working. I’ve tried running visual studio on x86 and any cpu. Stumped on where to go next. Attachments: Up to 10 attachments including images can be used with a maximum of 3. Hi RhysMckinnon , I suggest you can try to use 32bit Microsoft access to check.

Regarding this problem, there are some solutions and suggestions have been provided in this thread. Best Regards, Daniel Zhang. I have gone through the same issue after installing several Access, ADODB runtime redistributables but still had the same problem. I hope this will solve your issue. Best regards, A. This was helpful as it got me to the right place to look. For me it seemed to be unchecking the box for Prefer 32 bit that did the trick.

I have developed the code in one server where the application is running fine. But while I move the Exe to a different server and tried to run that exe after install the MS Access Database Engine software, it’s not working there. I had this issue today after continuing a project at home and running into this error.. Thanks a lot! Your answer it was the only one solution I found, and yes, if you have Office for x86, you need also need to run your application for x86 plattforms.

Thanks bro! I run into the same problem but nothing seems to work. I run windows 10 and Visual Studio All is 32bits including office but no matter what I always get hte bloody OLED12 service provider not registered issue. I also tried the previous solution but there’s no way, it doesn’t work.

Also if I try to install the 64 bit version of AccessDatabaseEngine is raises an error due to the different bitness. What can I do? Thanks for your support. Same user login into appliction from different browsers or devices. Skip to main content. Find threads, tags, and users Current Visibility: Visible to all users. Hi gents, I have gone through the same issue after installing several Access, ADODB runtime redistributables but still had the same problem.

What about the Exe file? Thanks much for sharing your solution! I have the same problem and can’t solve it. I had some similar problems with acedao class nor reg. I found a way that worked for me. No access runtime needed. Related Questions. LinQ, GroupBy, C.